Monday, April 23, 2012

Final Project

The Boondocks and Popular Culture
Little boy listen closely, society says this is what you are; your purpose in life, a manual of what your life should consists of; wear jeans down below your knees; never complete a sentence that doesn’t start with “F” and ends with “UCK”; never study and love your neighbors; state ignorant things; never open up a book to read it; you don’t have goals and dream, don’t believe it; your only good for playing basketball or making rap videos; doctor? Forget about it; lawyer? Forget about it; chase after girls; never treat them like ladies; remember they are just tools at your disposal; growing up fast is the way of life; don’t create a life, take one, destroy one; let them understand that you’re their number one fear; statistics and stereotypes are never false…right??
               Dumb, dangerous, deviant, deprived, criminals, drug dealers and ganstas! Is this how popular culture portrays the average Black male adolescent? Yes, that’s exactly what is shown for entertainment on television. It seems like the only positive image of Black males are shown on the sports channel. Want proof? Well tell me this, how many modern positive cartoons or shows are out there with young Black males? Shows that star Black males not cursing and being ignorant. Black males with an education and middle class family, like so many other White middle class family sitcoms out there. One of the only shows on television that portrays the role of young Black males is the cartoon “The Boondocks”. This show is full of degrading language and violence, with a majority of its characters being Black and the main characters being Black.
               What is this saying about our society? Well some people think these images are no big deal, its just entertainment! What many don’t realize is this so called entertainment has a major influence on today’s youth. A lot of kids look up to the images shown on T.V. and try their hardest to make it reality. The fact that this show is basically the only portrayal of Black males that youth can look up to is quite sad. Yes, there have been shows like “The Cosby Show”, but today’s youth don’t watch these older shows anymore and the shows themselves are not on T.V. often. There are a number of White modern sitcoms like “Family Guy “and “American Dad” that portrays extremely funny but not overly negative images of its characters. This shows that sitcoms can be funny without being degrading!
               Popular culture and media has the greatest influence on our lifestyles. So it’s no wonder why many cling to their television and imitate the things that they see. Will this negative image of the young Black male ever be exchanged for a more positive image in popular culture?
“Sunday nights are part of my relaxation ritual, I turn on the T.V. and tune into the latest episode of the Boondocks. I absolutely love Riley and his gansta wannabe image”.
               Like so many other American youth, watching television is my favorite past time! Although there are a number of different shows I could watch on T.V. its seems like the most entertaining ones are the most negative ones. Why is that in order for something to be funny, it has to contain ignorant words and images? Maybe it’s because media has seen a demand for these shows and getting rid of them will only take away money from the greasy hands of these million dollar corporations! So until then, “The Boondocks” negative portrayal of Black males will remain. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I decided to make a video with a character from the Boondocks and a girl from the book " Women without Class"