Saturday, February 18, 2012

Picture Essay: The Boondocks And The Portrayal Of The Black Family On Adult Swim.

     The Boondocks is a show about two boys that move in with their grandfather into the "white" suburbs.
                          The characters consists of Riley, Huey, and the grandfather Robert Freeman
               Riley is 8 year old boy he loves to keep it "gansta" and show off his so called "thug" mentality
Huey is a 10 year old and considered to be a future revolutionist and present day intellectual terrorist.

Robert is the grumpy old grandad that takes care of the two boys

                       Uncle Ruckus is a strange character who hates blacks and believes he is white.
                       The following pictures show the typical portrayals of the characters on the show.

                                                                "Guns are cool"

                                                                      "Thug Life"

 This show is one of the most popular shows on adult film and is watched by all ages, especially the younger generation. The overall impression is, being black means you can act like a thug, violent, and it's cool to be wild! Kids look up to these characters including some of my neices and nephews.

A short slide show with music.

The Negative Effects!

 This boy was on the news awhile ago for stealing his grandmother car. He said "he likes doing bad things, thug things with his friends". They made a boondocks episode based off of him.
Our future.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Inquiry Project.

So, we were to come up with a piece of pop culture that we wanted to do our project on. I'm still not certain about which one I plan on doing but I have a few in mind. I would love to do family sitcoms on television or the portrayal of mothers in the media. What are the differences between black families on television versus white families and Hispanics? Why are their a limited portrayal of Asian families?How are mother perceived in Hollywood? Are they respected? Is there a difference between mothers of different races?