Monday, February 6, 2012

Inquiry Project.

So, we were to come up with a piece of pop culture that we wanted to do our project on. I'm still not certain about which one I plan on doing but I have a few in mind. I would love to do family sitcoms on television or the portrayal of mothers in the media. What are the differences between black families on television versus white families and Hispanics? Why are their a limited portrayal of Asian families?How are mother perceived in Hollywood? Are they respected? Is there a difference between mothers of different races?


  1. I think this is a great topic to do this project on. I am super interested to see what sitcoms or any tv shows you pull into this and what direction you take this in. Can't wait!

  2. Terrie! You have all kinds of interesting ideas here to think about! Maybe you can focus in on different topics in different blog posts. Maybe there are ways to bring some of these ideas together?

    1. Okay so I decided to narrow my topic down even more. I want to focus on cartoon family sitcoms that are shown on adult swim. I want to compare the black family (The Boondocks) versus the white family (American Dad) and the roles of the characters and how they are portrayed. I also want to investigate how people feel about these shows and the effects they have on the younger generation.
